CallawayWebDesign.Net is a startup web design service located in the Lake Oconee area of Greensboro Georgia. It is owned and operated by John Callaway who is a multi-generation Georgia native.

I specialize in creating websites that interface with back-end MySQL databases. The first application that I developed is a boat slip reservation system that can support multiple communities on a lake or riverfront. The system can be configured to unique community needs and it offers comprehensive utilization tracking, nightly audit capability, and other methods to ensure equal access to community resources.

My current offering is a website that provides repair status notification capabilities for businesses such as auto body repair shops. The application has a customer portal where you customer enters information about their vehicle that is to be repaired. The vendor portal allows the business to easily update the repair status of the vehicle. Each time the status is updated your customer will receive an email or a text message if they have opted-in for text messaging service. They then can access their portal to see the repair status. This application is licensed annually, and your customers can use it for free.

I do not utilize tracking cookies or any other types of information gathering capabilities in my web-enabled applications.

Please contact me if you would like further information on any of my products.